Friday, 26 September 2008

Back to the roots.

I really have been neglecting our roots here recently haven't I? For shame!

The Hardcore Effect was founded, by Team Well-Safe, to set the world to rights, keep the writers in beer and women [or Hollywood actors it would now seem] and generally teach the middle class white people of the world how to keep it real.

It was all about finding things to get angry about, blogging them, then getting immeasurably drunk at the weekends and rocking out. Interviews with us in magazines such as "Practical Pimping" were commonplace. I rocked long hair, baggy pants and a wide stance. I enjoyed a varied sex life with drunk strangers, and being with people whose company I enjoy.

Thanks, however, to things like The Daily Mail and David Hasselhoff, alot of the fun has been removed from my posts of late and I've become so concerned with curing the world's social maladies that I have completly forgotten about "keeping it real with the homeboys", to coin a phrase.

How shall we remedy this? Simple, I shall take it back to the roots by getting drunk at some point, complaining to my local council about some flowers and using Kabbyo's dyspraxia as an excuse to cop a feel, as I would have, circa 2005.


1 comment:

Kabbyo said...

You're going to cop a feel on your local council?
Shit, that is hardcore.