Monday, 29 December 2008
From the Street
It turns out that Kate Nash is indeed from "the street." Here she is, on "the street." I wish her well.
Friday, 5 December 2008
Santa? Santa? Who the fuck is Santa?
'Oi you, yeah, the dick in the Santa coustume. Do one, I'm trying to buy some shit, yeah?'
I know what would look brilliant in my living room... a load of cheap-ass cards from people that I don't really know! Has anyone ever said this? No. So fuck off, I don't want one the cards that you bought in a pack of five hundred for about 25p. In fact, I'd rather eat my own face than read the generic Christmas message that you thought up in ten seconds and then replicated five hundred times.
'To Adam, Merry Christmas. Lots of love, Santa'... 'Yeah, thanks Santa, I hope that reindeer bums you. Merry fucking Christmas to you too.'
Turkey, Potatoes, Sprouts, Carrots, Parsnips, Pigs in fucking blankets. Chocolate, Trifle, Christmas pudding. If I eat all of this I'm going to die of heart faliure, so if you don't mind I'll just make myself a sandwich... You want me to sit at the table with the family? What, so you can jabber on about how brilliant Christmas is and how nice that piece of shit cardigan I got from Nan was? Piss off.
'Look, cheers for cooking all of this shit Mum, but if I wanted to be a fat bastard I'd go and eat at McDonalds every day, yeah?'
Let's have a competition... Let's see who can make their house look the most ridiculous by putting up a big-ass tree in the living room and throwing shiny, glowing shit at it until it's so fucking bright that everyone has to wear shades to watch TV. Then, we can see who can piss the neighbours off most by placing huge flashing lights outside, aiming them at next door's window and switching them on at 6am every single day for a month. Then, once Christmas is over, we can spend five days picking tiny pieces of glitter out of the carpet. Brilliant.
'Yeah, fuck you neighbours.'
'Now you're really taking the piss'