Thursday 12 February 2009

Crediting the public with intelligence is very unintelligent

You know me.. I'm a pretty easy going kinda guy. It's fine with me if you don't like the idea of gays marrying, I mean you're wrong, but still I'm ok with that.

Today though, I have encountered several moments where the complete idiocy of the general public has become so apparant, I can no longer ignore it.

The first instance was in a shop near my house, where a woman was asking for some cereal.. the assistant handed her a box but the lady insisted that this is not the box she usually buys. The assistant politely informed her that it was, the difference being that the cereal had 100% extra free.

The lady replied by complaining that she didn't want it because it wouldn't fit in her cupboard. Clearly, she has missed the point.

The shop also provided my second experience when a gentleman rather angrily demanded a single pint of milk because they had every size out except that. Ignoring bottles containing two pints of milk, he angrily grabbed two 1 pint bottle from the assistant and stormed off. Clearly too stupid to comprehend that all he had acheived was a less roomy fridge for which he paid an extra 7 pence.

Later still I was approached by a man from the BNP who informed me that immigration was the source of all the countries problems and that if we simply kicked everyone who isn't white and European out of the uK we'd all be better off in every way.

There are millions more hopelessly stupid individuals out there. Attempting to pay for shopping with a library card, complaining about a financial situation they clearly don't understand, whining that a Polish plumber got their husband's job just because he was Polish.

This scares me. Should I ever be in court on a charge of fraud or something, anyone of these morons could be on the jury.

I may have got a tan on holiday and they may accidentally think I'm foreign, that'd ruin my case.

How on earth does Mrs. Nazi, who genuinely believes that supermarkets have Prayer rooms facing Mecca for their Muslim staff who are secretly conspiring to overthrow us and enslave all the west, know if its legal to move earnings through an acoount in the Cayman Islands?

The jury system works on a basis that you are tried and convicted by a court made of your peers and equals. If this was so, then Mrs. Nazi would find herself judged by a jury of Yoghurts and an African land snail.

Maybe professional Jurors is a consideration, but they'd all become so jaded over time that they may just convict everyone.

Certainly, there would have to be some restrictions barring the wrong sort of person such as;

- People who have ever been heard to say "Well, he looks guilty"

- People who read the Daily Mail

- Criminals

- People who claim that the damp in their social housing made worms burrow into their brains

- People who believe that the best way to sort the economy is to do nothing

- People with three cars

- Homophobes

- Xenophobes

- People with double-barrelled surnames

Of course, I don't even think that would work. Leave it with me and I'll think of something..

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