Monday 31 August 2009

Dr. Adam - a medical update

You may have noticed before, that Adam as started a grime music based blog.

It seems our colleague and friend has fallen gravely ill, and in the delerium of his fever has come to decide that he is black.

I urge you not to worry, Earlier today Joe and I agreed to perform an intervention. Joe will strap him to his bed for a week or two, during which time we will play the Winnebago Deal album - "Dead Gone" - on repeat while cutting the eyes out of photos of 50 cent. He may cry, and it may seem cruel but we assure you its for his own good.

Recently, he and Joe moved to Preston where the only residents are Tramps, stabbists, performing arts students, people who clamp other people's cars, graffiti vandals, benefit cheats, chavs, complusive gamblers, drunks and general members of the criminal underclasses.

I reckon he probably already has a switchblade if you frisked him, and the other day he drove past and I instantly thought, "Oh no, a drug dealer is here." until I noticed it was Adam at the wheel.

You understand that this behaviour must be stopped in its early stages, like a nasty bout of bowel cancer.

We will keep you updated.

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