Wednesday 29 October 2008

Lets get this sorted.

This may make little or no sense to you if you only know of our Blogspot stuff, but bearwith me.

As you probably don't know. The Hardcore Effect goes out in many forms of media, through many outlets.... this attracts a fair bit of attention and daily our e-mail inbox expands that little bit further.

Recently, our media has become an outlet for a lot of negativity.. and we aren't too cool with that.

It started sometime ago now, when we were contacted by a moron, using the name "America Superpower".. who used a message board we frequent relentlessly to slander our country and spread misinformation - for example he claimed we pay a 40% rate of tax to the monarchy, which is so stupid its beyond measure.. we do no such thing. He also went on to claim many other things. Soon he was joined by some friends, between them they caused quite abit of upset among our mainly European audience.

We love debate, so made the decision to to allow his opinions and vice-versa.. he'd eventually wear himself out. I decided EXPLICITLY that this debate was not to creep into any of my posts anywhere, and it didn't until that decision was revoked a few days ago, partly to accomodate the showing of the award winning Top Gear Special, and to allow some other posts not currently published on our blogspot page for the time being, to bolster the defence of our home nations in the face of blatant racism.

We, of course, did what we thought best, and have now upset a portion of our American audience. This goes against the whole point of these projects. Our rule is to generally direct all controversial statements and views toward large social phenomenon and faceless institutions. We do not tolerate personal or racial attacks. So with immediate effect, our monthly topic [America] is being withdrawn, which is a first. Partly due to our British audience being unable to rise above a petty minded moron's small views without equally disgusting retaliation, and partly due to our American audience's inability to accept any criticism of their country even in the face of the large amount of positvity we discovered. There, we shared the blame equally. You are both as bad as each other now PLAY NICE!

The point of any of our topics is to be objective. It was just as important to point out the flaws as it was to point out the good things. We have no sponsorship for a reason.. so we are impartial with no vested interest. We don't care if you come here or go there on your vacation, as long as we have given a fair view.

So, lets put this unpleasantness behind us and press on. While we sift the 3,469 e-mails we have in the inbox at the moment, mainly advertising new and unique ways to increase the size of your penis. I'm under orders to point out the root of this issue. Some just might say I got the rough end of the deal.

All this trouble stems from a mutual jelousy. We envy Hollywood, you envy our music. We envy your contemporary culture, which oozes cool, you envy our rich history. We envy your cars, you envy ours.

Behind the scenes our two lands get on famously. American military technology saves British lives daily, don't get me wrong.. we're tooled up something rotten, but when it comes to getting the most bang for your buck, the US does it fantastically well. On the flipside, American Generals display a HUGE preference for working with British soldiers.

The Royal Marine Commandos and Paras are in huge demand, needing only a small army for a small island we are notoriously picky. I got kicked out despite passing all the training purely because I may or may not lose too much weight on operations, one guy got kicked out over a knee injury when he was seven. We have the longest and most intense infantry training in the world.The SAS is still rumoured to have never lost a man. So, we complement each other perfectly.

You have mad guns, we have mad skills. Its a thing of beauty.

As I was told in training.. "There's nothing like being with friends, meeting new and interesting people from a foreign culture.. and shooting them."

Our cultures each fill voids in the other's, we share a lot of common history and ancestry. So enough is enough, the message threads are closed and the guilty from both sides are being dealt with by the board admins.

That is all.

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