Monday 4 August 2008

I feel like Bob Geldof

Luckily, I'm not Bob Geldof, I'm not an irate Irishman for one thing, but I do hate Mondays and I'm annoyed for no real reason at the news of his stupidly named children dabbling with drugs.

We've been looking into the possibility of selling our souls while we ride this wave of minor success that may not last, and short fo shouting "Give us your f*****G money!" we're out of ideas. We're blogging in an enviroment that is hostile toward us, we're new and as such scary in ways never before imaginable. We are not bothered about making wild generalisations, mildly racist remarks and embarking on epic pieces filled with intelligent but mildly offensive banter.

This in itself draws only the minority of hostility we face within the blogging community, and while being the main reason no-one will work with us, it is not the only reason. Which brings us nicely to this months topic; Identity. Gender identity, National identity and personal identity are all aspects of ourselves upon which we are judged.

Scientists tell us that if we have an interesting or unusual name, we're a lot more likely to be successful in life. If you are a Caucasian, heterosexual male between 21 and 45 the world is your oyster where as if you happen to be a muslim women with a speech impediment, life isn't so kind.

We intend to investigate this fully, and by fully we mean we're willing to travel as far as Morecambe and spend no more than £1.72 each, because no fucker will work with us.

So, unless your name is Fifi Trixabelle, stick around.. you might just like what we've got coming up.

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