Tuesday, 27 May 2008

"BRAP!" : Stories from Whit Monday, and situations arising from such.

When my Collected works of genius are finally put together and released, probably after I'm dead. Schoolkids and scholars will judge me on how I've been quoted. Hollywood writers know that a film will suceed or fail, depending on those one or two lines all cinema-goers can come out quoting.

So far, this doesn't bode well for me. I don't really say many profound things, and when I do its often interspersed with swear words and said in such a fashion that it hardly rolls off the tongue.

Yesterday, in my drunken stupor I managed to say something worthy of being added to my short and frankly God awful quotes, which include;

"It's ok mate, I'll take the fat one" - genius

For you see, yesterday, I declared myself "Prime Minister of the Moon".

However, this isn't what this post is getting at really, think of it as more of a side story than a main plot. Many events happend yesterday, chief among which was my drinking of aload of cider through a funnel/hose pipe type arrangement while surrounded by a cheering crowd of strangers. This triggered a chain of events thatlead up to me sleeping, for quite some time, in a park. The rest is hazy. So the point of this is, that if you know where I was and what I was doing between 2 and 12pm yesterday, drop me a line and together, maybe we can finish this post.

To Be continued...

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