If David Cameron was a food he'd be steak tartare. Looks great on the menu, but then it arrives and you realise it's just a raw egg on a cow's buttocks. Take my word for it-this guy is destined to cock up
His recent “it’s your fault if you’re fat or poor” speech was pretty interesting. Apparently some people only have themselves to blame for stuff. Cheers for that Dave, but you don't need a 1st from
There are work-shy people in every country, but in the
This speech was not the amazingly bold and courageous discourse
people make it out to be. Walk into any pub in
hear the same views being spouted. He was exploiting the blame culture we live in- everyone who isn't either fat or poor can safely agree with Cameron and draw attention away from their own failings. I can imagine a skinny, rich paedophile watching Cameron and saying "Dave's right. THAT’S what’s wrong with this country today". He’s not even the same politician to say this stuff-talk of personal responsibility has been discussed before by Major, Thatcher and even back in Victorian times, when the same arguments were used to justify the existence of the workhouse, slums and only one helping of gruel.
Despite his crap arguments, people will inevitably fall for them because they’re bored. Bored of seeing the same chap on their voting slip, and the same guy defending himself in the house of commons. Gordon Brown may be new, but he was boring from the start. Hell, he’d be boring if he danced the polka on a cheesewire tightrope over an erupting volcano. Cameron will probably do a Blair- have tea with Liam Gallagher, strum a Telecaster, then invade some country at great cost (I reckon San Marino or Kiribati) and soil his reputation. Don’t say I didn’t warn you…
I know what you’re saying- “Enough moaning. What solution do you suggest you pessimistic tosser?” Good point, well made. I’ll get back to you on that. Maybe some kind of mild anarchy involving fewer sofa adverts and more free scotch eggs. That’s what
Right on, me old son!
Bout time we got on with The Hardcore Party. Free Scotch eggs for all schoolkids.
I loved it! hilarious katy xx
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