Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Challenges ahead..

I have to fully agree with Ravi on his last post, this tournament has been by far the most enjoyable in memory. Adopting a country has so many advantages over the normal ever-seen-a-grown-man-cry experiences of English national football. Anyone else notice that since England were absent there wasn't one rowdy, drunken bar fight?

It seems our worldwide reputation of football hooliganism is well founded.

I'm also glad I didnt go to any of the games for once, I'm sure the Swedes would have let me into the fold with no problem, only for me to ruin it by breaking my beer bottle in the face of a guy in a David Villa T-shirt during post match drinks.. I'm an Englishman and we can't help it.

Anyway, I must dash back to workand so I'll update properly when I get back where I'll be announcing our latest challenges for the coming weeks.

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