Friday 13 June 2008

German Tactical Nouse.

The problem with the whole tactical defeat argument is.. the Germans aren't exactly world class tacticians, are they?

The whole thing is entirely unbelievable. Some could say it was seriously misguided to play a yoghurt as your first choice goalkeeper.

Some just might say that Adolf H. never played Risk as a child, and probably wasn't the best geography student. Any country who follows the leadership of a failed foriegn artist and bullet magnet is hardly playing the long game.

Then we come to his choice of associates, Herman Goering. Herman was a drug crazed transvestite, hardly a master of tactical thinking.. but at least they could go for dance on a Friday night.

Then there is Herman Munster, a man of German descent if ever there was one. A big chap with an odd complexion, would make an ideal central defender, but do they play him? Of course not.

For a country awash with beer and curried sausage, you'd think they'd spend a little more time in contemplation.
"Maybe two fronts is a bit much"
"Maybe having a mullet does make me look stupid"

There'd be revelations a-plenty I assure you.

I shall see you all later today,where I really get going.

1 comment:

Ravi said...

Typical neo-liberal Scandinavian thinking. I can't wait to see your face when Spain dish you out a right royal thrashing.
Spain will score 7 for fun, then Torres will use his hair wax to glue the ball to the crossbar where it will remain for the rest of the match.