Friday 6 June 2008

Words I Never want to hear again..

I'm a busy man, I'm also a lazy man. With Ravi having been kind enough to square aware today's post I'm going to kick back and hit you with my list of words I never want to see or hear again;

1) ZOMG! - What the fuck is ZOMG? I get the OMG is "Oh My God", but why the Z? Fucking ridiculous.

2) Wacky - If you don't present Fun House and have a mullet, this word should never leave your lips.

3) Damp - Why say damp, when you have moist, its sexier cousin?

4) Spain - Especially if you put this word at the end of the following sentence;
"Euro 2008 will be won by.." Everyone knows that Spanish people enjoy
3 things, and neither of those things is football, they are Sleeping,
donkeys and playing the "Mexican Hat Dance" at all times of the day.

There will be more words to come.. have no doubt..


Mike v1.0 said...

I have to disagree on ZOMG. I use it with alarming regularity, although it's mainly in a sarcastic sense. I would add 'pwn' to the list and people that pronounce it 'pawn', as in:

"Haha! the english language just pwned my ass"

There is just no excuse, it's 'own' for gods sake.

Dr Brainspiller said...

Just you wait til Spain play Sweden, then we shall see who has the last laugh! Mwahahaha!